What other people say about my form of distance healing
Please write and let me and other people know how the healing has helped you or how you experienced the healing. This will inspire others to try this form of healing while also giving me useful feedback about how distance healing worked for you.
Hi;Everyone I've been having pain and numbness in my feet from Neuropathy for almost a year now, I've been signing up for healing also for almost a year with no real result not too noticeable anyway, but this last Wednesday I woke up and OMG I swear I thought I was cured my feet felt normal, but I was wondering why as I didn't remember that it was the night of healing already, but sadly it only lasted that day, that being said I'm not giving up, I have high hopes of combating this thing, love & light to all, God Bless any may you be healed. ššš Thanks For all you do Thor š
I'd just like to give thanks for the difference I feel when I receive this healing at night , the love and light vibration is audible to me and I feel held and safe on these times its given, irealy need this help, I'd like to salute to this healers sense of service and we are all lucky to be apart of this wonderful healing at this difficult but transformative time.
Bless you Thor
My first experience, I felt very energize.
I did not feel like to work when I arrived at work, but after the first healing, my energy boost up and I been hitting to the gym 3 days in a raw without getting tired.
I appreciate the energy you sent.
I like you to not use my real name for this post.
Thank you
Noticed better health and less stress, very amazing!
Thanks for full moon healing
Was sick, and for the first time I actually felt not of healing. But it has certainly given a boost to recovery, felt stronger day after.
Want to thank you for what you do for me and for other people and animals-that's great!
Dear Thor!
I can't even remember when I came across one of your videos on the Internet for the first time. Anyway, from that moment on I have participated your healing regularly. It has become a weekly routine and I don't want to skip it. I feel very fine most of the time and I haven't had any flu or something like that for ages. I feel happy and strong. And what is most important: I feel I'm developing spiritually. I meditate many times a week, too. I think your healing and meditation have taught me a lot. I have learnt about loving kindness and compassion towards myself and everything in life.
I'm very happy and grateful.
Kaija från Finland Takk for healing Jeg er så takknemlig for healingen jeg mottar. Du gjør en forskjell, og verden blir bedre av slike som deg. Dessverre er jeg ute av arbeid pga sykdom, men håper med din og egen hjelp å komme tilbake i jobb. Og da blir det donasjoner. Anne Thank you for what you do and all positive energy you give to the world. I have had a serious imbalance in my energy field for a long time, I am slowly recovering each week. I have not felt anything during the healing sessions and got disappointed at first. Than I noticed I felt stronger, had less pain, and started to sleep better. I know it is thanks to the healing sessions. I am so grateful. Namaste I have participated twice in the healing on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. During those two nights, I slept right through the night without waking up once or in the early hours of the morning. Normally my sleep is interrupted at some time every night. I noticed that it was easy to fall asleep at night, which can be a problem sometimes. Thank you very much Thor Eva. M Thank you my friend for offering this healing gift to the world :) Shawn I noticed some blue spots of light when I shut my eyes – blue shining spots and then a kind of cloud appeared behind my eyelids, first blue and then turning purple and it grew larger and larger and moved around under my eyelids. Could this have been the healing energy that I experienced in this way? I experiencd relief to my pain and I have felt the same on earlier occasions during the mediation/healing sessions. I also felt a stream of energy flowing and had more vitality, greater clarity, etc. I am looking forward to the next distance healing session, so thanks Thor for offering the sessions. Love and light,
Night-time healing